Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Worldwide Phenomenon

We just realized that, in addition to readers in the United States, we have followers from Malaysia, Germany, and Canada. Thank you so much; we are humbled. 

We just had our first Job/Health Fair at Farmington Public Library, the same day as the Summer Solstice Ceremony and the weekly Arts & Crafts Fair.
So the big question is:  How did it go?

Well, it was mediocre, at best. We had an acceptable number of vendors--most of which were health-related, due to little response from employers in the city--and though large groups of kids usually accompany large groups of parents, that's NOT how it all went down this time. Most of the kids that attended the Arts & Crafts Fair, which was held in the same room as our Job/Health Fair (we split the room down the middle with an invisible line), were part of day care or kid-camp groups. Thus, parents were few. Few parents means few visitors to the Job/Health booths. :-(

The coolest part of our Job/Health Fair from a kid's perspective was probably the ambulance tour in the parking lot. Which, come to think of it, is cool from anyone's perspective, don't you agree? 

So...we have a bit of work to do for next Monday's Job/Health Fair at the Sycamore Park Community Center. But I think we'll get there. We'll have to be a little more hard-core in searching for employers to show up as vendors, but most of our work will involve encouraging the general public to attend.

Seriously, guys, there were so many prizes and raffles today, it was absolutely pitiful that barely anyone even entered, just because barely anyone attended. A ton of great information is shared at these fairs, and it's always very much worth your time to undergo free medical diagnostic tests--some of which even we, pre-med students, didn't know existed--and to have a chance to win free stuff. 


Next Job/Health Fair: Monday, June 27th at Sycamore Park Community Center

If you have any questions or are interested  in being a vendor, feel free to e-mail us at missionfarmington@gmail.com.

We cannot ever try to suggest that the Farmington Public Library was an inconvenient locale. The library and its staff were absolutely wonderful. Very supportive, very energetic, and very dedicated to serving the families of the community. Thank you most especially again to Mr. Florez, Ms. Trujillo, and Byron. We are completely sincere when we say: We could not have accomplished what we did without you.

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