Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Do you know how it feels to go 20 days without flossing?

I do. It's disgusting.

 When my parents came up to Farmington with me the day I moved into the hotel, my mother stuck my Ziploc bag of dental floss and cough medicine in a random drawer of a bedside chest I rarely use. I happened to look inside the drawer one day in search of the phonebook (which wasn't even there) and was overjoyed to finally find my floss. I swear my teeth felt more loose than usual as the bacteria clustered between them and ate away the enamel. Yum.

In other news, the movie "Cars 2" was not as great as the original, but still okay. As a group, we recommend waiting for the DVD release and renting it then.

In other, other news, "Blue Moon Diner" has an old-school feel of which I am very fond.

In yet other news, we're going to cook dinner for some important members of the community tomorrow night; it's our way of saying, "thank you." Wish us luck; none of us are skilled chefs.

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