Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Setting Sail and Puking Green

In other news, we did watch "The Green Lantern" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides."
Actually, we didn't all watch "Green Lantern" together; rather, after a night of shadowing in the ER and sleeping sporadically throughout the next day, I stole away all by my lonesome to watch it in a theater that was packed all the way to the very front seats. And yes, I do mean the seats that are so close to the screen that you get a neck-ache looking up at it.

The movie was great, though perhaps it fell a tad bit below my expectations. I felt as though the storyline was rushed. You had some, but not very much, attachment to the characters, and one of the villains in the film was defeated far too easily--his death wasn't even honorable. Seriously, have some respect for the guy and give him a defeat worth remembering. Don't make him forgettable.It seems all superhero movies nowadays are struggling to reach the level of the "Spider-Man" films, but only "The Dark Knight" has come close in quality.

My title suggests that "Green Lantern" was "puke-able," "vomit-able," "throw-uppable," "throwing chunks-able" (why do we have so many words for vomiting?!), but it was not. I just thought the title to the post was clever. "Green Lantern" worth my decision to see it at the theater, though a considerable number of people will walk out of the movies wishing they had waited for the DVD. 

I might as well take this moment to share a couple of my favorite villains of all time with you, some of which are Disney characters, including Randall from "Monsters, Inc." and Syndrome from "The Incredibles." I also liked the Australian dude with the lizard named Joanna from "Rescuers Down Under" and Ursula from "The Little Mermaid." Who is your favorite villain (Disney or otherwise)? Let us know in the comments or shoot us an e-mail at missionfarmington@gmail.com.

Now, "Pirates": not as good as the other films. As if it wasn't enough that Orlando and Keira were nowhere to be found (which we had all known about for some time now), the romances in the movie were completely irrelevant. At least Orlando and Keira made sense--it was complicated, and they weren't sure how they felt about admitting their feelings. Mushy talk. "Pirates" wasn't a foul attempt, but they need to stop here, before the series is looked upon as any other action-packed but story-empty series. The first movie was refreshing and dark, but neither originality nor darkness were anywhere to be found in the fourth movie. I have to admit that my enjoyment level had been decreasing with each additional film.

To soothe our sorrowful hearts after the Job/Health Fair today, we picked up lunch at "Hometown Hamburgers," where I was delighted to find a most delicious Garden Burger to suit my vegetarian needs. My groupmates--all of whom are carnivores--seemed to very much enjoy their own meals of hamburgers and 1/2-pound cheeseburgers. We dined under the awning of Civitan Park and frolicked on the swingsets, jungle gyms, and green hills afterwards. Each of us made videos and took pictures along the way, including videos of every single one of us recording each other. J found a slow-motion application on his phone, and S suggested I run in the fields (in heels!) so we could play around with the slow-mo option.  Result: I looked lanky and fragile to the point of comical.

Upon playing a make-believe game of croquet in the garden of our hotel, as well as allowing J to explore our abode (remember he lives at home while Z, S, and I are staying at an inn), Mr. and Mrs. Darnell treated us to a work-dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Outback was also good about finding an herbivore something to eat amongst all that steak. Lucky, lucky.

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