Thursday, June 16, 2011

Guilt Trip and Rehab

So I just came back from the kitchen, having fixed myself a little sum'n-sum'n, and I'm a little bummed out. S just washed all of our dishes, for the second time. I've done it a couple of times, too, but I don't like it when other people wash  my dishes. It makes me uncomfortable. She's not my mom, after all, and therefore has no responsibility towards MY dishes. But this is her plan, see...her swift attack against my inherent laziness: The Guilt Trip. A classic move, but oh, so effective.  And she knows it.

Actually, I think S was just being nice. Seeing how terribly busy I was chatting my brains out on this blog, she found a way to ease my tensions by cleaning up after my sloppy self. But I shall resist! From this day forth, I Am The Dirty Dishwasher!  Armed with my Sponge of Steel Wool and Soap of Honest Cleanliness, I shall vanquish the evil spirits of Meals Past. 

At 3:30 pm, after S had gone to shadow her physician, J, Z, and I attended a City Health Improvement Council Meeting at the San Juan Rehabilitation Hospital (a homely place with employees that actually pay attention to their visitors and patients), which was not only insightful, but informative and inspiring. We learned of a few more potential vendors for our Job/Health Fairs--always helpful. Farmington, believe it or not, you have a dedicated group of people working for all of you behind-the-scenes. Do you know who the members are? Probably not. Yet, they continue to put forth their volunteering efforts. Thank you to the Council for your service.  

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