Saturday, June 4, 2011


Hello, Farmington and Hello, Curious Internet Surfers!
      Welcome to our journal of adventures in Farmington, New Mexico. We are The Fantastic Farmington Four, setting up tent in the midst of this eclectic mix of urban and rural postcard-scenery for the month of June. As pre-medical students at the University of New Mexico, we are looking to ease--and preferably solve--some of the health care issues of the city, mainly those involving policy change of some sort. After doing some research about the area, we've decided to focus on the following goals for our community health project:
1. Hold a job-and-health combination fair at the Sycamore Park Community Center and Farmington Public Library

2. Encourage implementation of the FET (Full Engagement Training) Program in additional schools, expanding from McCormick Elementary School and Bluffview Elementary School.

3. Persuade Red Apple Transit to provide bus-riding discounts to lower income families, such as those with an income level below a certain amount (the "certain amount" is to be decided upon under discussion of the proposal with the City Council)

        We have the support of the Mayor Pro Tempore and several physicians of the area, and we anticipate frequent communication with Farmington residents.  Please let us know if our health project is in need of additional foci or replacement foci.

        The Farmington Four encourages any feedback from any visitors to the site. We are here to serve the people of this city; please tell us how we can best do so.

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