Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 2

     J shadowed his preceptor this morning, while Z, S, and A ventured to Farmington Public Library, located pretty much in the exact geographical center of the city. The combination of curves and jarring flat surfaces composing the building's design made it one of the most intriguing buildings we had ever seen--definitely Number 1 on our list of Intriguing Libraries. :)
        Inside, I was excited to find a cardboard cutout of Luke Skywalker and life-size figurines of Spider-Man and Superman. Unfortunately, photography was not permitted inside the building, so the pictures that would've been at the very top of this blog were never taken. We did, however, get our very own library cards and promptly attempted use them to find a good movie or CD. We reasoned we didn't have time to enjoy any films or music these days, though, and left empty-handed. Still, our library cards are pretty.

         We inspected the library's potential for holding the job/health fair we plan to host in the 3rd and 4th week of June. Its capacity is certainly large enough and the location "central enough" to draw in residents from all parts of the city. From, there we returned to the hotel to do some paperwork and waited until J had completed his shadowing. The rest of our day was spent cruising through the neighborhoods near the community center, as well as down Bloomfield Highway. We stopped at a "7-2-11" convenience store to understand the prices and types of products available to the residents of that area.  After setting out to see the "Waste Management" site for no particular reason, the driver became a little too curious and decided to turn down a one-lane dirt road to who-knows-where. In the middle of this drive, however, the driver panicked and realized that one of the huge Waste Management trucks could be traveling in the opposite direction, towards our car. We stopped in the tiny space in front of a gated driveway of a home that declared it would tolerate "NO TRESPASSING." 

      Two dogs in the front of the home barked incessantly at our car, and there was little to no room to turn  around. Shrubbery on our left, and dogs, a fence, and driveway lights to our right, we had no way to escape without breaking the car, the lights, the fence, or us. The demon dogs continued to bark, mocking the stupid humans that trusted me the driver to deliver them to safety. Z saved the day by climbing out of the car, telling the dogs to shut up in French (though the dogs ignored him), and directing our driver in 63 small reverse-and-then-pull-forward movements. The car was scratched by the unkempt shrubbery, but we managed to turn the car around and escape. We have this on video. 

    The rest of our day was not as exciting, but still productive, as we returned to the hotel to work on some homework assignments and of course more paperwork towards our project. Most of our contacts had left their offices by then, so we were left at a standstill for the day.

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