Friday, June 24, 2011

A Packed Day

We failed to mention in our last post that "Hulk," starring Eric Bana, was also an impressive superhero film. "The Incredible Hulk," with Edward Norton wasn't bad, but the one with Bana was darker and quite simply, better. 

We met with our teacher from UNM for the last time today, in regards to our homework and the community health project.  S and J decided they wanted coffee afterwards, and "Andrea Kristina's Bookstore & Kafe" was the next street over. I was instantly excited, as I had worked on homework there for nearly 4 hours last Wednesday afternoon. Seeing how it was already noon, we ended up buying lunch. J and Z got into some ridiculous, 30-minute debate about healthcare, philosophy, and ethics shortly afterward. I had heard enough after 5 minutes and ran away to explore the books and then the street outside.

We are off to visit a high school, but there is more to come....

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