Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3

  Have you ever heard anyone pronounce the word "Wednesday" as "Winds-dee"?  If you have, it was probably an old woman, right? Reminds me of those nasty 200-year-old witches in spooky fairy tales--the pronunciation does, not the old ladies. The witches chant "Winds-dee" over and over again as they stir a cauldron-full of green bubbling poison with a huge wooden spoon. Then my mind drifts and I repeatedly hear "Beware the Ides of March!"

  Two of us shadowed physicians this morning, while the other two worked on both homework and our group project. Numerous e-mails and phone calls were made to radio stations, newspaper editors, and magazine publishers around the city, and I have a gut feeling that most will respond positively. One already has. Thank you, Mr. Scott Michlin!
    When we were finally all together, we attended the Grand Opening of the Sycamore Park Community Center SKATE PARK! Awesome. I was a little disappointed that Tony Hawk didn't show, but he's a busy man. Maybe he'll come next time to celebrate Phase 2, and eventually Phase 3, of the skate park project. Natalie Koehn said a few words, as did the Mayor of Farmington, Tommy Roberts. The latter especially acknowledged our mentor, Mr. Dan Darnell, and all of his hard work towards seeing the project reach completion. Well-deserved recognition, if you ask us. Members of the Red Coat Society and kids who used the skate park (some of whom had originally suggested the idea of making one) gathered around Natalie as she cut the ceremonial red ribbon. One of the kids was bestowed the honor of cutting the ribbon, as well. I considered crashing the photos by shoving someone else aside and taking a spot next to Natalie, but it was just so hot--I had no energy to run before the pictures were taken.

     After chatting with some new faces, the four of us dashed to the Chamber of Commerce to confirm a meeting with Ms. Dorothy Nobis for Thursday. Then, off to the library, where we met two angels. Ms. Flo Trujillo  and Mr. David Florez took us in with arms so fully open, the rush of love and sense of miraculous-ness didn't even sink into our brains until our meeting was complete. We are so fortunate to have been put into contact with them. Byron and Melanie are other employees at the library who helped us with logistics and plans for the big event that I am about to announce. 


     On Tuesday, June 21st, Farmington Public Library will be holding, in addition to its Arts & Crafts Fair, both the Summer Solstice Ceremony AND the Farmington Summer 2011 Job and Health Fair, hosted by Yours Truly: the FFF. The Fair will run from 10 AM to 1 PM.

      The place is going to be teeming with activity, and since June 21st is the longest day of the year, everyone will have plenty of time to enjoy it all. Mr. Florez joked that the library would "blow up" that day, at which point A was reminded of the song "Blow," by Ke$ha and promptly began to sing. Z now has it stuck in his head. 

      The Job and Health Fair's focus is to appeal to low-income families or simply unemployed individuals. With employment, these individuals can earn enough money to purchase healthy groceries instead of eating cheap and nutritionally deficient fast food, as well as be provided with adequate health insurance/coverage. That being said, the Fair is open to EVERYONE, and it is important to us to share general information about health with as many people as possible. All kinds of specialized physicians and other health care providers will be in attendance, and we encourage anyone and everyone who reads this blog to come check it out. The day will certainly be memorable. 

      If you can't make it to the Job and Health Fair on Tuesday, June 21st, we'll be holding it again at the Sycamore Park Community Center on Monday, June 27th from 11 AM to 2 PM. 
      The remainder of tonight was spent making flyers, researching for homework, and figuring out a slogan for the fair. We managed to come up with the following:
                       The Farmington Summer 2011 Job and Health Fair
                                   "Work Out and Shape Up"

        Cheesy? Perhaps.
        Clever? Indeed.

        J joked our slogan sounded like something his parents would tell him: 
                  "Work out and shape up, J! Come on!"
       The rest of laughed until we realized how true it was....   
       Well, it works for now.

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