Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The End

Now that we're back in Albuquerque, we have yet to work on our paper, poster, and oral presentation about our stay in Farmington. Looking back at the objectives we listed in our very first post, we did at least address everything written there. FET is well on its way to becoming more widely spread in schools throughout the state and the country, but of course, the first step is Farmington. There is little, if anything, in need of improvement in the FET program--except that the team of 2 is severely understaffed. If anyone reading this post, instructors especially, but also desk-job employees or full-time students, is interested in incorporating the Full Engagement Training--for a healthy body, mind, and spirit--please let us know. Either leave us a comment or send us an e-mail at missionfarmington@gmail.com.
Implementing new policies with Red Apple Transit is going to take some time and appears to be a project within itself. We're hoping to establish an additional transit route in the opposite direction of what is in place now. That way, instead of having to sit on a bus and wait an hour to get to a particular destination that's closer if you went the other way down the street, you can sit on a bus that travels the shorter path. What logic. 
Only after this major concern is addressed would the committee have any time to talk about discounts for women in WIC or families on food stamps. Again, e-mail us if you're interested in learning more.

The job/health fairs were successful because they happened. We organized these events with 13 vendors in the first, and 19 vendors in the second. They gave out tons of free information in the form of pamphlets, brochures, and oral word, along with freebies like coupons and small prizes. Our BA/MD group raffled off two first-aid kits and an adorable, squishy, stuffed monkey.  You would've loved that monkey if you attended the first job/health fair.

The most sincere Thank You to all the vendors, public attendees, and to everyone who helped us to organize and promote the job/health fairs.